Icepeach® was born from the fusion of several peach varieties, which brings its unique personality. Its characteristic ivory-white skin comes from an ancestral Korean variety called Yume Yong, while its size and exceptional taste are the heritage of other varieties grown in the heart of the Mediterranean.
The amazing character that definesIcePeach is the result of years of careful work and research. The producers of IcePeach are growers with many years of experience in the local cultivation of peach, and follow comprehensive protocolsto make sure that the fruit is harvested in its optimal point of ripening and manipulated correctly, in orderto reach the maximum guarantee of quality.
Today, the fruits are carefully harvested during the summer in the best's agriculture areas of Spain (Lerida, Aragon, Tarragona and Murcia), Greece (Macedonia) and Italy (Chieti). But in the future, IcePeach will also be present in other areas with Mediterranean climate, such as Chile, southern California and South Africa, among others.
Natural non-transgenic cross
The technique of natural crossing of species and varieties is very old and is inspired by nature, which generates new varieties of fruits on its own (by the combination of pol.len thanks to work of bees). Imitation of the natural process allows breeders to create new varieties with new and surprising flavors.